About Our Cookies

We use cookies to enhance your browsing experiences. We will not collect or sell any of your personal data. Approving cookie use just allows us to ensure all your future visits are streamlined and simplistic.

Live Life & Game On

How Often Will I Be Charged?

All memberships will automatically renew monthly, for your convenience, until cancelled.
Your account will be charged every thirty days from the day of the month your membership started. If your membership started on January 1st, your card will be charged again on February 1st. If your membership started on January 14th, your card will be charged on February 14th, and so on. If you so decide to cancel your account before the re bill time, you WILL NOT be charged for an additional 30 days. For example, if you were activated on January 2nd and we receive your cancellation on January 10th, your account will expire on February 2nd.